Friday, April 20, 2007


You never know when life hits the unwanted curveball your way. You never understand what unrequited love feels like until it comes astrewn on your path. The way that love comes and yet how quickly it dissapears, its definetely scary.

Love, all my life there was just me and my dreams, spend my nights wondering how it would feel, when will today end and when will tommorrow start.

Somedays i would just sit alone and wonder, ponder about absurdity and insanity,pleading to my soul to resurrect the emotions lost along the way.

Sometimes the lights are turned down and the whole city sleeps tight at home, I alone wonder the darkened streets seeking a lightbulb to seek solace and grace in these upsetting nights. There doesn't seem to be anyone around me, just stillness. quiet contemplation, darkness turning into lights.

It ends tonight. It finally has.

p.s. I no longer love oranges! Sadder but wiser.
p.p.s. Written while overlooking the beautiful Jakarta skyscrapers at approximately 3am sitting at the balcony at tante Elly's house.

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