Thursday, November 18, 2004

ObbeSIONs IS oVER!!!

its finally OVER! okay okay okay! no more OBsessions with the yellow jeep and NO MORE obsessions over ANYTHING ELSE! feeling very very happy right now......came up to that phase in life where all this #h!% doesn't matter anymore....i am happy being single. its just that you have those days when you look into the mirror and ask yourself what is wrong with me? what am i lacking? and now its just that i am in a cool state of more more pretending.....can make my own decisions without asking no one.....Gosh it feels good! But i didn't pray yet! very very very scared ok gonna pray now....let me play you a song my diary.......
Sampai disini
kisah kita
Jangan tangisi keadaannya
Bukan karena kita berbeda....
Dengarkan lagu.....lagu ini
Melodi rintihan hati ini
Kisah kita berakhir di November ni
Selamat tinggal kisah sejatiku....pergilah

Monday, November 08, 2004


you know what? hehehhee! you are sooo beautiful to meeeeee....CANT you SEE??????????????
okay hyper mood! wrong time to write in blog......actually perfect time....okay one two threeeeee
weeeee!!! i like khat, i like khat, i like khat, she work it bad! Mere tum see pyar nehaaaaaaa....janna janna banana! temteremterem...poink poink poink...........juggle juggle....gargle...gargle...gargoyle!! i miss the cartoon! hehehhehe! CAPTAIN planet HES MY heroooooo....going to save the world....THE POWEr curry puff girls!! TAn teretan TERE tan...tere TAN tereTAN teRe TaN tan tan tan TEre tan tere TAN!! i LOOOOve orlanDO blOOm! okay wait....oh shabby! i am gooing cuckoo!!! SHAb-barin-a OR ELmo! oh welcome to the seSAme Street!!!! and i Love YOu you love me! we are a HAppy family!!! tear tear...Sniff SNiff! OH now its Soo Depressing....Your'e bringing on the saiks leggggg...bringing on the saiks leeeeggggg....hehheheee! and MOve Shaz's BOdy every Every Cheer heeerrr!! Move It hottie! gosh peopleee no speakyyy? and lastly aaliyah's favourite.....YAs's purrrfect now..Just do your thang...We'll C how it goes...ohhh!! you Cannot ask and TRy again I will say no If you trY again! shake that thang ms...neha anna...shake that thing ms....neha anna!! weeeeee!!! oh hahhahaha! wait this is dedicated to all the dudes in college! Its just!...ah...a little Khat! everytime shE comes....oh she sooo Rad! Its Just...ah...SomeLittle..Khat...CoZ she LookS like a Babe And sHE is Noeet BAd! huM lokoko>> samma SAKOtor>>shabrina>>suka BryanI>>WHich Brings ME too thee QUestion..>> hey KenapA Churi..curi? hehhehehe! sooo HIGHHHH!!! and I'm TAkiNG My owN chANceS...FiNding My OWn answerS..I'm OnlY answERing To meeeeee!!! weeee hoooo!!

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Sweet summer breeze mounting its saddle in my hair
Lilac flowers, Tulip flowers and Roses everywhere
Sadness steriled,misery,despair...
take the sweet sentiments and make them dissapear
Love is a story told by a fool
For he who knows love not..knows what is true
Splitting of homes, the crash of porcelain
Spinning in a room, feeling depressed, superior, inane
Time has its goals and time its own master
Life churns out surprises one after the other
Today no rain, tommorrow will pour
The wheat that still grows, will stand tall and strong
The failures will die and return to where they belong
Smiles that look caring and kind is hiding the lies
Time will tell
Love that is shown in life, a man jumps over a cliff
Feeling 'piak' like a lizard on a windscreen
People take steps on your heart...or get wedged in between
Some just love a message, they feel the earth is clean
Sweet summer breeze
Comes and goes....
Where will i stand tommorrow?
How will i ever know?